No lazy Sunday today

Today I put some good work into my creditcard site. I updated all posts from the site (25 posts at the moment) and got some new content in as well. I am still not sure if i’m pulling a dead horse here but okay…

Internal linking

One of the SEO factors is internal linking. Google also notices content easier and quicker when internal links are good. Most of the older posts didn’t have any internal links in the content. So I got through all posts and added 40 to 50 internal links in total if i’m guessing right.

Updated content

While checking posts for internal links I also updated some of the content. I’m still getting the hang of it again as I didn’t blog or write for a long time. So it takes some time to write a few good sentences that make sense on the creditcard topic. In some posts I just added a few words / changed sentences and in other I wrote an extra 200 to 300 words. Now lets see if this helps the rankings

Google AdSense

I also changed all Google AdSense ads on the site. I’m trying some of the recommended sizes now including the responsive size. The responsive banner ad will change to the device that is visiting (desktop, mobile, tablet) which should do good I guess… I tested myself on desktop and mobile and it looks good.

Like I mentioned before in this post I am not sure if it’s worth it to work on this site. The site is nearly two years old and never brought in any money. I will find out after a month or two I hope.

New Domains

Today I registered some new domains as well. These domains are in the financial niche and I am planning to make some small Google AdSense sites on it. They are exact match domains and get around 250 to 1000 exact searches monthly for the keyword(s). The financial niche is not easy I know… But lets give it a try.

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