Google Adsense income report September 2024

These months are flying by… It goes so fast. Not even funny anymore. Adsense income for September:

€ 2.890,21

Great month, very happy with this amount. The season for me is over though and last few days it was already in the 50 – 60 euro a day mode. If I can get 2000 euro in October, that would be great, but it might be under it… We will see.

New website

I started to work seriously on a new website in September. I picked one of my best domains which I bought to develop and started working on it. I put in some serious work which I didn’t do all year. I even started a few weeks at 5 AM to work on it before my fulltime job.

One of the bigger sites in this niche is bringing in 250.000 visitors monthly (according to ahrefs) and those pages are not exactly great, but it has authority… At least it gives me an idea what it can do.

Google Adsense income report August 2024

Another great month. Holiday season is over now though and I could see it in the last week of the earnings. The start of August went very well so this was the best month of the year. Just very close to July. August brought in:

€ 3.589,27

Again 3500 euro last month. In the holiday season I normally get 2 great months. July and August both brought in 3500 euro with Adsense which is great. 7000 euro in 2 months. Its going to the savings account because my dream is still to buy a nice holiday home in Spain.

New projects

I am starting small new projects, I always do this and I hope one will take off. Currently working on an ‘exact match domain’ with strong buyer intention. Bought it cheap for 70 euro and bought a design for 50 euro. With 120 euro this site is almost ready to go. Not sure if it will bring in money but we will see. Just keep on testing and creating right.

Google Adsense income report July 2024

Great month! The holiday season started early in the Netherlands. Resulting in a very good month:

€ 3.539,42

I hoped for 3000 euro when the month started to heat up, but 3500 + was beyond my expectations. Very nice! Normally I have 2 good months like this, lets hope August will be around the same.

Working on some things. Started a new site, not much else to share for now.

Google Adsense income report June 2024

The month June was a decent month. I didn’t really focus on new content for my main sites but will do that this month. Normally in July it starts to pick up steam. Hopefully now again. For June the monthly income is:

€ 2.278,95

Not bad, not great either. Better than last year in June tho. For the bird site I just finished replacing all the affiliate links to The previous owner made 40 euro in Juni with these affiliate links so hopefully that will continue. In Adsense the bird site made around 30 euro. Combined at 70 euro the price of 1500 euro is not bad. I think I can stretch Adsense into more tho.

At the moment I am the high bidder on another affiliate site for which makes an average of 50 euro a month for the last 12 months. Looks pretty good, no declines in traffic. Hopefully I can pick this one up as well.

Google Adsense income report May 2024

May was a decent month, nothing special. The money generated with Google Adsense:

€ 2.365,93

Bought a small site for 1500 eur about birds. It is 2 years old. Going to test with AI articles. The site is well indexed and gets around 6000 visitors a month. Will be a nice case study. Going to test with affiliate on

Will make a good plan for it and will let you know what it does.

Google Adsense income report April 2024

Adsense income april 2024

April was a good month for me. I got a bunch of motivation and actually published a lot of new posts on my main websites. The Adsense income is better than April of last year with a total of:

€ 2.127,40

That is almost 400 euro more than last year’s income. Happy with the 2000 euro + month. The last few days were great hitting around 90 euro a day. It may be because of the time of the year though, normally now it starts getting better. I also published very hard on the main site. Getting at least 2 articles a day online for the last 15 days.

Vacation Spain

Just went on a 10 day vacation to Spain (Moraira) and found new motivation that was much needed. I am reading the book ‘Think & Grow rich’ which is giving me a lot of new insights. I am following a few motivation people on Instagram that also give me a lot of energy. I started to get up at 5 am to work and publish articles. I hope I can keep up with this because I know I can make more money online. Just need to put in the work.


I have been throwing goals in the last year of what I want to achieve. My new goal is this: Make 200 euro a day on Adsense. This is it. Simple, not too high but not low either.

Now I am off to go for a 4km run!

Google Adsense income report March 2024

March is over already. Time is flying. Time for things to change! The monthly income on Google Adsense for March:

€ 1.512,92

Not too bad. 1500 euro a month on Adsense is pretty nice next to my fulltime income. Because I have this fulltime income from my day job I can save all the online money I make. My goal is still to buy a house in Spain and use it as a holiday getaway & rental to generate income. It is a dream of me since my childhood and it’s time I will pursue it.

Work harder

I am procastrinating. I started to pick up reading some good books again and it helps me motivate. I saw a couple of interesting sites for sale which I analyzed and I see a lot of opportunity for my own sites. Things are going to change and I am going to take more action.

You are the one who has to do the work.


The Google updates from last year are different. It is pretty hard to get new sites to rank nowadays. I still don’t know exactly what is going on and how to optimize the best for Google. Have to find out.

Google Adsense income report February 2024

Short month, did better than last year (€ 1.373). The Adsense income for last month:

€ 1.545,28

Not bad for February. In March I got some good things planned. Planning to start 2 new sites on 2 great domains I bought earlier (both around 2000 euro per domain).

Affiliate website

Remember when I bought that travel affiliate website? I bought it for 10k euro and it was not really performing like I wanted. The thing is it didn’t have WordPress on it and I hired a guy to convert it to WP. The website was ready and it costed me 2k to build. But never launched it, afraid to lose rankings. I have it idle on another domain right now and will build it up tho.

The affiliate website is sold. I sold it for 9k euro on a dutch forum. The sale is not finalized yet but I have confidence it will come through.

Just a 1k loss on the buying price. The site did bring in some money though. Around 5k by now so thats still a profit if I take the other 2k for the new website in mind…

Not great but learned something from it 🙂 Glad it is (as good as) sold.

Want to buy a new website

With the money coming in the next month (probably), I want to buy a new website with it. Looking for something similar but with WordPress.

If any of you have anything for sale, please contact me 🙂

Google Adsense income report January 2024

Work harder

January is over. The start of the year is normally not my best period. Last January did 30% more than last year in January (€ 1.322), so I guess that is good. Income for January with Google Adsense:

€ 1.692,82

Not a bad month. Decent money. Working harder like I said last year and actually got some of my top domains up and running. I am creating 1 site about money in Dutch at a great domain I bought for 1800 euro some years ago. I already got an offer of 3000 euro for the domain only last year but not selling. The site is there and now I am working on content and marketing. Will keep you updated. It will not be Adsense on there tho.

Bought a small site

Saw a small site for sale on a forum which got 1800 clicks from Google in the last 28 days. Not bad and could bought it for 200 euro. Applied for Adsense but I don’t think it will get approved. If declined I will change design and text on the site and apply again.

If these 1800 clicks all do 1.5 pageview the site will get around 3000 pageviews a month currently. With a RPM of 10 euro that will make 30 euro on adsense a month. If that is correct, this is a nice buy. Will keep you updated.

Google Adsense income report December 2023

New Year

Happy new year! I wish everyone the best for 2024.

December Adsense income was not bad, I made:

€ 1.718,56

Last December the earning were just below 1500 euro so this is good enough. December is a slow month normally but I also sold 2 paid posts for 420 euro each. Good and easy money for publishing a written post. Last year I also sold 2 in December. A good additional income for sure. I did sold another paid post for 260 euro to a client that already bought some last year. Making up for 1100 euro on paid posts in December. A very nice additional income.

I have to say this is not normal, it happened last December and now again, guess people want to spend money to lower their tax burden. I don’t know.

Did make another 160 euro with affiliate marketing. The total amount for December is almost 3000 euro. Pretty nice money.

New year, new plans

Good intentions, I had them last year but didn’t work out really. For this year I will make it happen. I already started a new site last week that I want to build up this year. Have some other GREAT domains (in my eyes) that deserve development as well.

The website I started last week has a domain I bought for 1800 euro. I already got an offer of 3000 euro to sell it but I declined. They money is in development and if I can make a few hundred a month out of it, it will be already worth 3000 euro quickly. My plan is to make it a website about money, income, business etc.

Another domain I bought for 1500 euro last year also needs development. The domains are .nl and will create the sites in Dutch. Good plans with good names, hope they will succeed.


I had over 140 domain names which are eating up quite some money every year on renewals. I went through the list and got rid of almost 50 of them. Now there are 92 domains left on my name. This is a good start but I want to get it back to 50/60 in total.