Google Adsense income report September 2022

The month after. Travel season is over and the surge in traffic is slowly going down. September did a pretty stable job though and brought in:

€ 2.809,64

Adsense september

A good month. Happy with the results. I wanted to at least make 2000 euro in September and it did surpass it easily. Now if I could only stay above 2000 a month for the next 3 months in 2022, that would be insane. Last year the October brought in 2000, November 1400 and December also 1400. Not that bad now I check it.

Ok we go for 2000 euro a month for the rest of the year.

Link sales

I signed one of my top sites up for a link selling marketplace. I completely forgot about this until I got an email with a notification of a sale. I apparently sold a blog post for 600 euro to a casino website. After the site’s commission I got 480 euro for the blogpost. Not bad for 1 outgoing link. Although its a casino site it is good extra money.

Affiliate site that I bought for 10k

The site that I bought for 10.000 euro brought in a mere 150 euro in September with affiliate sales. It is a classic travel affiliate website. People can book holiday houses and I get a cut of that.

I think I paid too much for this site. It is nog bringing in the revenue the seller stated. It should bring in 400 to 500 a month but OK. I have to deal with it.

The SE rankings are quite good though. I has a lot of rankings on page 2 which need work. The website currently does not have a good working CMS behind it. It is an old custom CMS build over 12 years ago. I contacted a small wordpress company that I contracted to build a new wordpress website for it. There is a lot of work to be done and I agreed with them to finish it for 1600 euro. That would bring the total cost of the site at 11.600 euro, damn.

At the state the website is currently in, I cannot do anything. I can’t create good pages, can’t create a blog, don’t want to spend time on SEO already. If this new website is finished and actually working. I am going to work on it. I see this site can make 500 euro a month easily if done right. With 500 a month the investment is definitely worth it.

Lets first see what the wordpress company is going to deliver, ha!

Google Adsense income report July 2022

July was a great month. It was actually my second best month EVER on Google Adsense. My best month was before COVID and it was July 2019. The month July 2019 brought in a whopping € 5.137,88. Over 5000 euro a month is a dream and still is. We are coming close again but July is normally the top travel month.

The income for July 2022:

€ 4.328,94

Very happy with it, well over 4000 euro a month. Feels great and gives me motivation to work on more and new websites. I am talking with someone to buy a travel affiliate website. It brings in around 300 – 400 a month on affiliate commission and I think we can make a deal for 10.000 euro. Will let you guys know if I bought it and what my plans are. This adsense income is creating new possibilities for me to expand business.

I hope August will bring in another 3000 euro at least! Fingers crossed. Normall after August it goes down and travel season is over. Lets see what happens.

Google Adsense income report June 2022

June is a good month for travel websites. Last month was a great month with over € 3.280,00 and I was doubtful that I would get another € 3000 a month in June. But… I did! The total Adsense income for June:

€ 3.072,48

Great result, really happy with this. I also got a new site that is getting 2500 visitors a month now but is not yet running Adsense. The design is really bad and I have to change it because Google will not allow this on Adsense as the way it is. Going to work on that this month.

Also bought a small informational site and at the moment I am bidding on another site that gets 5000 visitors a month. I am the high bidder at € 1.100,00 at the moment but not sure if I can get this one, there are already 5+ bidders involved.

Anyway, things look good. The plan is to expand. Need more sites to get a bigger income. € 5.000 + a month would be comfortable and if I get that I will quit my fulltime job (I think).

Google Adsense income report May 2022

A really great month, finally some serious money again. It looks like we are back in action and I hope this will continue like this. Adsense income in May 2022:

€ 3.283,65

Well above 3000 euro a month. Great! I really like it and am happy with the result. I am also thinking of quitting my day time job. Not sure about that. But got so many plans for new sites and to expand existing sites, I have to do it sometime… Go all-in and try to make way more than this… Hmmmm…

Will update you later about this, I have to think and put some things on paper.

Google Adsense income report April 2022

Adsense income blog

April was a good Adsense month. I hoped for 2000 euro + and it did. Traffic is picking up. People are going for a holiday again and I can see it in the numbers. The total amount of Adsense income for April:

€ 2.243,90

That is more money than I make with my fulltime offline job (health insurance). So things are looking good. I am also trying some things out with affiliate marketing on my sites. For instance I made a page where people can claim money when their flight is delayed, I get € 28 per referral if it is approved. Had 1 so far in april, lets see how that goes.

Breakdown of my top 3 websites on Adsense:

Site 1 – € 1.411,29
Site 2 – € 375,59
Site 3 – € 199,87

Site number 3 is in transport, the rest is in travel. Yesterday this site did € 15,84 so it looks like this can become a decent earner as well. If this becomes stable at € 15,00 a day, it would bring in a nice € 450,00 a month. Going to work for that. Plan is to get some new pages, blogposts and links online in May.

Affiliate site sold

I started an affiliate site on a great domain (a .nl domain). I bought it last year for something around € 1.200,00 and made a simple site on it (free theme, wordpress). I did some linkbuilding, got some traffic and SE rankings, made 3 affiliate sales and listed it for sale. This was 4 months later. Put a BIN (Buy it now) up for € 4.800,00 and it was sold within 2 days for the BIN price. Good extra money but maybe I could have gotten more out of it. Ahh well, good sale nevertheless.

Google Adsense income report March 2022

March was a decent month. The start was good which was expected. The end of February was particularly good due some news events. People searched for a specific thing and came out at one of my sites. That seems to be over now, no problems. Back to the normal Adsense income.

Total Adsense income for March 2022:

€ 2.144,91

Adsense March 2022

Contact from Ezoic

A few weeks ago I was contacted by a marketing employee of Ezoic with the title ‘Collab Ezoic’. Through time I came on other blogs and some of them were using Ezoic so I was familiair with the brand. It sounded interesting and they asked me if I wanted to try Ezoic on one of my sites as a case study and asked me to blog about it afterward. They were also willing to pay me a fee for that on top of earnings.

Sounds good right, I got this one site in the transport niche that does around € 200 a month currently. Would be a great site to try them on. I answered them back and told them I was willing to try, but that I would make a honest review with no bias. I saw other reviews on blogs and they were always 100% positive. Red flag to me but OK. With that said I never got a reply back from them. Maybe they are too busy, I don’t know.

Does any of you have experience with Ezoic? Anyone of you tried them? What is your opinion?

Google Adsense income report December 2021

Happy new year

Happy new year! Its 2022, the past year flew by really. Adsense did pretty well, staying above 1000 euro a month. The money from December 2021:

€ 1.437,26

The plan for 2022 is to do more work. Build the sites bigger and start new sites. The past year I didn’t do as much as I wanted which sucks. Last year didn’t start well with adsense staying under 1000 euro a month for a couple of months. In February I earned 555 euro on adsense which was the lowest month in a while.

The time I made well over 3000 euro a month with adsense was before COVID. I really hope this year I can break 3000 euro a month again with Adsense. That would open doors to new opportunities.

The dream to buy a second home in Spain is still alive. Probably need 200.000 to 250.000 euro for that.

Google Adsense income report October 2021

October went much better then expected. I doubted that I would earn above € 1.000 in October but it went way better. Google Adsense income for October 2021:

€ 1.998,56

Almost €2k for the month. Very satisfied with this. Now if I can make above €1k in this month & upcoming month, 2021 was a good enough year. Next year without the COVID (I hope) the year will rock again.

At the moment I am looking to buy established sites that make money with Adsense to add to my portfolio. Its not easy to find these sites as the owners almost never want to sell. Will let you know what I am able to buy.

Google Adsense income report September 2021

It’s the first of the month again, this means another Adsense income report of last month. In August I made € 2.500 on Adsense, which was great. This month is normally the end of the season (travel niche) and I hoped to get at least € 1.500 for September. Things went even better. Total Adsense income for September:

€ 2.047,99

Very satisfied with this result. Really thought € 1.500 would be the maximum for September. Now I hope I can get at least € 1.000 + a month for the rest of the year. The travel niche peak is over now. I am going to work on my sites and make them ready for next year. If I am lucky the whole COVID trael restriction thing is gone and the sites will fly again. If this is the case I hope to make € 5.000 + in my peak months next year. Really going to work onto that.

Affiliate website

I also started a new travel affiliate site. The site will be focused on holidays to Spain. Will probably focus on a few popular places first, than expand to more in Spain. I had an affiliate site about Spain with a friend, but that didn’t work out. We sold it a month ago for € 3.000. Now I bought this great domain for € 1.000 and a nice theme for around € 60. The plan is to build this myself and to get a nice revenue stream out of this. The plan is to just use affiliates in this and no Adsense. Will keep you updated.

Google Adsense income report August 2021

End of summer

August was a good month. The last month of summer and the last month my website could earn a good amount of money. My sites are mostly in the travel niche and with the end of summer here, traffic will go down again. We didn’t have the perfect summer for travel websites. People went on vacation near home or didn’t go at all. This last month was a good month for my websites. The money made in August on Adsense:

€ 2.526,27

Well over € 2.000 as I hoped! Feels really good. This motivates me to build harder and try new things. Going full force ahead and next year I hope travel will be back 100%. For upcoming months I expect a dip in traffic and revenue. Lets hope I can stay above € 1.000 a month. That would be perfect.

Last month I thought of quitting this blog, but I got 3 replies which was really motivating me to keep doing this. Thanks again for that Alex, Benmiloud and Ksenia.
