Google Adsense income report July 2021

I would like to know if anyone is reading this blog. Just comment on this post if you do so I can make my mind up if I should continue and improve the blog or quit it and take it offline.

Monthly income July 2021 on Adsense:

€ 1.907,74

Very good month for me on Adsense. Hope to see some comments though 🙂

Google Adsense income report June 2021

June income report

June was a good month. Average adsense income of € 42,56 a day creating a total of

€ 1.276,83

Great to hit a € 1.000,00 + month again. I guess this is the first time since the COVID crisis. My niche is travel so traffic is getting back up. This is really motivating me to start building again. Hope this will continue and July will be another good adsense month.

Paid advertising

Got an email on my main travel site from a company that offers VPN subscriptions. They asked if they could get a post on my site with 2 outgoing links. I quoted them € 150,00 for the post. They agreed & sent me the post they wanted me to publish. Great additional income.


Not much, working on the current sites, trying to make them bigger. I also started an English airport website on a (in my eyes) great domain. Paid around $1500 for it a year and half ago. The site is still work in progress but could get a ton of traffic.

€100 a day with Google Adsense

Yesterday I made €94,65 with Google Adsense. Long time ago that I made close to €100 a day with Adsense.
My goal is to first get back to €1000 a month with Adsense, but the €100 + a day is the main goal.

With €100 a day I make €3000 a month which is more than enough to cover monthly expenses and live a good life. The money made yesterday motivates me hence I am posting this on the blog.

Also made a sale with an idle affiliate site in the suitcase niche. It netted me € 7,41 out of a sale of around €90,00. With this combined I made over €100 yesterday.

Travel niche

The travel niche is getting back to life. Visitors are up and it looks like this could become a good summer Adsense wise. I will continue to update the websites and see what the rest of June brings. I am certain I will make over €1000 this month on Adsense. Would be so awesome to get back to a stable €100 a day again.


One of my dreams is to buy a nice villa in Spain close to the coast. Need €200.000 or €300.000 for that to realize it. There are quite a few nice houses for sale for that amount of money. Some need work but that’s fine. It would be awesome to give my own touch to it and I did some construction work before. I didn’t really think about a timeframe yet but lets say before age 40 I want to have this accomplished. I am 35 now.

If the house is really nice this could become a nice income stream as well. Need to think this over and make a good planning. For now back to make money online.

Google Adsense income report May 2021

Didn’t do any work in May for my websites. But I am starting to pick it up again. Today I had a day off and worked on 7/8 sites updating them all. Feels good to be busy again and working on my online presence.

As you may know my websites are mostly in the travel niche. A lot of travel restrictions are being lifted and it looks like people are booking holidays again. This might be good for me. The last few days of May were good compared with last month and the beginning of May. Lets hope for the best 🙂

The Google adsense income for May 2021:

€ 891,29

Highest earning day of the month was 30 may with € 74,00
Lowest earning day of the month was 5 may with € 16,82

Average earning for May was € 28,75 a day.

Adsense income report May 2021

It would be great to hit € 1.000,00 again. Would give me that extra motivation for sure. Going to work on content creation and link building most of this month (at least that’s the plan). Will keep you guys updated.

Google Adsense Income report February 2021

A bad month for Adsense. The total income for February 2021 on Google Adsense:

€ 555,28

One of the lowest months so far. Although it is still € 500,00 + a month in a market with COVID. The main sites are in the travel space so I am not that worried. Wonder if upcoming summer will change things. Would be great to break € 1.000,00 a month again on Adsense.


I am mostly focussing on bitcoin and other altcoins. The bullmarket is in full speed and it looks like Bitcoin wants to go to € 100.000,00. That would be awesome. I wanted to change this blog into something more interactive, but it has to wait for now. Soon 🙂

Google Adsense income report January 2021

First month of the year! January flew by with no real changes in traffic or income. Adsense income for January 2021:


Didn’t do anything with my websites. Am thinking of changing a lot though. This blog will also change. For now not much updates. This month will be a month of change. Stay tuned 🙂

Last day of 2020 – Income report


Last day of the year. This year wasn’t good for my travel sites. Adsense earnings took a big hit due to the COVID crisis. The sites are in bad shape now because I neglected them in the last 6 months. With the end of 2020 this crisis is far from over. I don’t know if the upcoming holiday season will be busy again. It won’t be like normal times but possibly air travel and holiday season will be active again. We will have to wait and see.

For now, the adsense income report for December:

€ 841,22

The adsense income report for 2020:

€ 15.070,64

That is still an average of € 1.255,89 a month. I thought it really sucked this year but this is not really bad at all. Still a very nice addition to my normal job income. I do hope I will break € 20.000,00 next year though.

Blogging plans

I will come up with new blogs, more than just income reports. This blog will get a redesign and will have structured posting. I will write down the plan in the first week of 2021 and share it with you.


Bitcoin has my interest again. It surged big time the last few months and is at a high of € 23.750,00 right now. I wrote about it back in January 2017 when it was just around $ 1.000,00. If I only bought some back than 🙂 I just own a small portion of Bitcoin but I like the idea of it. The last few weeks I have been reading a lot about it and also got a small portion of Ethereum. This new digital money is evolving. What do you think of Bitcoin and digital currency?

Cheers on 2021

I hope you are all healthy and doing well, for now I want to wish you a good ending of 2020 and a great beginning of 2021. Lets make some money in 2021! Cheers!

Google Adsense income report November 2020

Adsense November

November went by fast. Didn’t happen much. I sold my first French domain. Bought it on a domain auction website for expired domains. Price I paid was € 50,00 and I sold it for € 750,00. Minus the 9% fee from I made a nice profit of € 618,32 (€ 668,32 – € 50,00).

The adsense income for November was a bit up compared with last month. For November I made:

€ 861,41

Good enough! Hope to break € 1.000,00 this month again but not sure that will happen. Working on some new sites, one of them is a currency convert website. Just a simple tool site where people can convert one currency to another. Not sure if this is going to be a focus site or something I will sell in the near future.

The travel sites are still getting minimal traffic. I really hope this vaccin will be here in Q1 of 2021 so people can travel again in summer 2021. Would be interesting to see how that works out.

How are you guys doing?

Google Adsense income report September 2020

Hoped for at least € 1000,00 in September, unfortunately didn’t make it. It came close though.

Adsense income report for September 2020:

€ 966,75

Income is still declining, I expect € 500 – € 600 for October.

Suitcase affliate site sold

Sold the suitcase affiliate site. It made € 104,00 last month and managed to sell it for € 4.500,00, which is a nice amount. Happy with the sale. Looking to invest this money into another website or great domain. Will keep you updated about that.

I also sold a smaller suitcase site that didn’t earn money really, I bought it a year ago for € 350,00 and sold it for € 900,00 with no work done. So I got a nice amount to invest in something new. If I buy something I will let you guys know!