Traffic going up

The traffic of my main travel site is still going up. Yesterday it had a high of 1,300+ unique visitors bringing in little over €20,- for the day. This is 100% Google AdSense income.

Screenshot of traffic of last 30 days;
Traffic travel site

In a previous post (May 2016) traffic just started to pick up for this site, I also posted a screenshot of the traffic back then;

Get more traffic

In the last 8 months things have changed. I got some top rankings for important keywords which are bringing in the majority of the traffic. 85% of the visitors are coming from Google with 13% being direct traffic.

Organic traffic

Returning visitors

There are quite some visitors that visit the site more than once. While checking reports I noticed there are even people visiting the site over 100 times in the last 30 days.

Returning visitors

Some even surpassed 200 times in the last 30 days. Who are those people? 200 times is A LOT. The site is build around a service though so they might be hooked to it and are just being curious all the time.

Google AdSense income December

First of all; Happy new year! Hope you all had a great time celebrating the start of 2017. The last year went by quite fast. A year were I started doing internet marketing again after a few years of silence… Glad I did because December was another good month for my AdSense earnings.

Google AdSense income December


AdSense income December

Highest day – Fri, Dec 23, 2016 – €23,62
Lowest day – Wed, Dec 7, 2016 – €4,77

Reached €400 a month on AdSense with one of my travel related sites bringing in 90% of it. The site has some top rankings in and keeps on doing great. The site gets around 20,000 unique visitors monthly. I think the site is on its max in its current state. I have plans to add more content and other areas that I didn’t touch yet… I see potential.

I started working on a new site in the financial niche. I work there so I have a bit of experience in it. AdSense clicks are high as well. Have to try it 🙂 Will keep you updated on that as well.

Most valuable ad requests

RPM AdSense

Google AdSense statistic; Best performing traffic is doing over €20,- per 1000 views.

Google AdSense income October

October was a good month. I was expecting a slow decline in AdSense income because the travel season is over. I was wrong. AdSense income for October brought in a record for this year. Yes I broke the €306,26 in August.

Google AdSense income October


AdSense income October

Highest day – Sat, Oct 1, 2016 – €16,19
Lowest day – Tue, Oct 11, 2016 – €5,58

The amount of work I did on my sites last month was minimal. I didn’t update anything and was just checking from time to time if my sites were up. I got a new idea for a good AdSense site which I need to start this month.

I am curious about your experience with AdSense. Let me know in the comments 🙂

Google AdSense income September

Sorry for the delay! I am busy with other things and totally forgot to post my September AdSense earnings. This post won’t be long but I will update this blog later when I have some more time on my hands. I will also discuss an investment I recently did which is turning out quite good. More on that later.

Google AdSense income September


No record this month but still good enough. The site that is making me the most money is in the travel branche and the busy period is over by now. I got a great new idea for an international AdSense site, which will launch this month. Stay tuned for updates my lovely 3 readers 🙂

Google AdSense income August

August is over. Probably one of the busiest months in the travel niche. The earnings on my number one travel site were high. I broke a record this year and had the highest paying month in Google AdSense so far.

Google AdSense income August


That is an average of €10 a day on AdSense. Check below screen. You can see the start of August was very good. The last weeks of August it went downhill. I need to come up with other sites to make my goal of €500 a month. September earnings will be between 100 / 200 I guess…


Highest day; €23,87
Lowest day; €4,60 (31 of August)

Travel niche is getting my attention

The Travel niche is getting my attention. I am thinking of totally focus on travel websites. Some good points is that there is money to spend in this niche and it is ‘easy’ to promote travel websites. It is not really easy, it takes work. But you can promote it easier than most other niches. Also people are willing to share nice things about places they like going to or went to…

New project

With a good friend of mine we came up with a (in our eyes) great idea. I am not revealing what it is yet but it is some kind of service in the travel niche. Focussed on a particular area in travel. It is a service to help the visitor choose what they want. It is in a very early development stadium and we are not sure yet what path to take. We got a great domain for it so that won’t be the problem. This will be a dutch service to start with.

New domain

Another domain in the travel niche. I paid €250,- for this domain. It is an exact match domain and it has the two keywords I am going after with my other site. The other site made €180 on AdSense last month and is #3 in so there is room for growth. I just put up a single page site with Analytics to see what it does. Seems like 5 people a day are direct visitors. The singlepage site made €1.80 so far on AdSense in last 5 days with no work or links. I am going to build this site in the next couple of weeks and try to get on first page in as well.

AdSense so far this month

Just reached €100,- on AdSense in August. That means the average is around €10,- a day so far. Looks great and I hope to break €300,- this month. I will keep you guys updated!

Google AdSense income July

Last month I had my first month over €100,-. June brought in almost €150 which is great. The AdSense income in July is even better. The main site I am focussing on is getting more traffic. Traffic is around 350 uniques a day generating over 1,000 pageviews.

Google AdSense income July


Yep, over €200,- which is getting me real excited. I didn’t expect to hit €200,- this month because the start of the month was a bit slow. Out of this revenue, €180 is from my main site. The site is in the travel niche which is HOT right now (holiday season). I think the revenue will go down in the winter months for this site but I am not sure. We will find out.

August looks good so far. I think I will reach the €200,- again with holiday season going strong. I need to set up more sites to make more money. I am currently at the #2 spot in so I guess I am peaking right now with this site.

New AdSense Goal

Goals will help you to stay on track. When I reached €100,- in June it really felt great. My new goal will be €500 a month. The €231,06 is already a very nice extra to receive next to my full-time job, but €500,- a month will be really nice. I hope to reach the goal by the end of 2016. In December I should be earning €500,- a month on Google AdSense.


The traffic here is very slowly going up a bit. I am planning to change the theme and get more stuff online for you. If you have any suggestions, please let me know in the comments.

Google AdSense income June

June flew by. The month went fast and I got busy with a lot of things online. A few months ago I mentioned I was working on an instagram project. I closed the entire project due to a legal notice from Instagram. I got this mail with a potential fine of $100,000 if I continued with the site. I checked the mail and it looks genuine… I had this exact match domain (with the name Instagram) with a nice search volume. Most of the times these big companies don’t bother, but this time they did. I just closed the site and lesson learned 😉

AdSense income

Last month I broke a record with my €51,95 but it was not yet enough to get a monthly payout. I had set this goal to reach €100,- a month by April and failed miserably. June got me there! Yes I made a good amount in June, more than expected. June AdSense income;


The month looks extremely good with almost 3x as much as May. But something happened. I got a really top ranking for just one week in June. I made it to position 2 in google for a keyword with a decent volume. I got really excited but after one week the site went back to number eight. AdSense shot as high as €9,- for a few days and after the week of the high ranking it went back to €2,- / €3,- daily.


The top 3 ranking made me see the potential. It gives me new motivation to work on the site and get it back to the top 3. I am also planning some new sites. This month will be a hard one to break. I guess the AdSense income for July will be a bit lower…

I will keep you guys updated!

AdSense Page-level ads review

A few weeks ago I started using Google AdSense Page-level ads on one of my niche blogs. The ads were running for two weeks and just got 2 clicks resulting in €0,47 AdSense revenue. The average of clicks a day is around 20 now, so the CTR is really low for these Page-level ads. I decided to quite AdSense Page-level ads for now.

Google Rankings

While reading my older post about using AdSense Page-level ads I state that the site is getting 100 uniques a day. Well, things has changed in last couple of weeks. The site was getting up to 400 uniques a day last week. I was ranking on #3 in for one of the keywords I was aiming for. A great success and the site was bringing in some extra AdSense money. But, this success didn’t last long. Just a few days ago Google put me back at #8… Bye bye traffic. The site is back at 100 uniques a day now.


My site was on #3 for about 1 week and I saw the potential of this rank. I am not sure why I am put back at #8 after one week. I even got one very related strong backlink from quite a big site. At least I know the potential of this rank and I will work to get it back. I did a due diligence on the number 1 and 2 and they don’t seem that strong. The backlinks they have are not super related and not from very high profile websites. I think I can beat them but it will take some time.

Google AdSense revenue

The AdSense revenue for June is setting a new record again. When I got that #3 position for my niche site the average AdSense revenue was around €5,- a day. Unfortunately the site is now at #8 and bringing in €1 or €2 a day. If I am able to push the site to the number 1 position, I guess the AdSense revenue will be around €10,- a day.

Google AdSense Income May

June is here! This means I got an income report to share with you. In April I made a bit of €20,- which was a great improvement of the month before (March). The Google AdSense income from May were even better. I was aiming to at least €30,- but it got much better then that!

Google AdSense May Income;


Yes, thats right. After the €20,- month, income shot to over €50,- in May. I am happy with the growth last month. One of my sites that was picking up rankings did very well. It made 28,76 in May alone and I am not yet into top 5 in Google for my main keyword.


I am focussing on the site that is making me the most money on AdSense right now. I found out one guy owns the top 3 sites in google for the main keyword I am trying to rank for. So the top traffic is pretty much controlled by 1 guy. It is not the only site I am working on though. This site made about half of May’s income, so I will keep working on my other sites as well.

More updates are coming soon