March brought in better numbers then January and February. After the Google Algorithm update the numbers spiked as you can see in the graph. But a few days after that it faded away again.
Google Adsense income March 2019:

The spike to €120 was the moment of the Google algorithm update. Too bad it didn’t hold it 🙂 Still, this is a very good month. A break down:
#1 site brought in: €1.354,46
This is roughly 60% of total revenue. Not great, not that bad either. It would be better if the number 1 revenue website would bring in less than 50% of the total revenue. This way I am less depending on that one website.
Average CPC (Cost per Click) of total revenue: €0,076
This is on the low side… I am not sure why it is this low, last year my average was above €0,10 for the whole year. Going to do some research on this and see if I can do anything about it, but I don’t think I can. If you do have any tips, please let me know in the comments.
Plans for April
I started another affiliate site in the construction niche. This is a collab with a friend and we just went live. Got over 20,000 words on the site and now working on getting links. The plan is to get revenue from other sources than just adsense. The travel affiliate site I started in January is going slow. It is online for 2 months now and Google is picking it up, but no revenue yet. I didn’t expect it to go fast though. For the rest of the month I will be working on my existing websites.
Great stuff, well done 😀
On CPC, have you ever made use of blocking controls in your Adsense account? These often help eliminate low CPC ad categories.
Keep up the great work man. You’re way ahead of me!
Thanks Ben! No I didn’t block anything yet, thanks for the tip. I am going to do some research about it and see what I can find that might get the CPC back up. I will definitely check it out, including ad categories 🙂
What sites do you have? Generating revenue on adsense or other revenue streams?