Google AdSense income May 2018

Last month was the first time I got above €600 on Adsense but this month was even better. Yes, a new record! 😀 The Google Adsense income for May;


As you can see I got over 70 euro on the 30th of May, this was because of a special event taking place which got me around 150% extra visitors for that day. Without it I would still be over 700 euro. The goal of 1000 euro a month on Google Adsense is really coming close now. Just 210 euro shy for the month.

I am also buying up some small sites for SEO purposes. All in the travel niche. Got some plans for my own sites and to make some extra money with them. More about that later.

Google AdSense income April 2018

Last month I started working again on my travel websites. Put in some hours on the main site and decided to really push it in April. My personal goal was to publish at least one new post a day. The goal was not that hard and I published 30 new posts in April. Traffic went up, earnings went up. A new Google AdSense high! The month April brought in;


This looks really good. The goal of making €1000,- a month on AdSense doesn’t look that far away. The highest earning day was the last day of April, bringing in €33,58. If this becomes the standard for every day, the goal will be reached (30×33,58= 1000+).

Happy with the new record and going to work even harder in May! I’m also working on some new websites. Will keep you updated! 🙂

Google AdSense income March 2018

Best month so far this year! March is over and Google AdSense brought in;


AdSense income March

Looks good, especially in the last two weeks of March things were getting better. Only two times before I got over €500 a month so things are looking good.

In March I actually did some work. Got some new motivation and spent at least 20 hours+ on my main site. Also got new posts scheduled till the 10th of April (one a day). I want to see if it helps if I publish a new post everyday on the blog attached to the site. I also got some new ideas for the site to expand.

Hope April will be as good! For now; happy easter! 😀

Google AdSense income February 2018

February is over already. As you might have noticed the last few months, I didn’t work much on my sites. I just started to update my main site again last week and know I have to continue doing this or I will lose the rankings.

AdSense income for February 2018;


Just a bit over the money earned in January. I’m not giving up. My main goal of €1000,- a month from AdSense still stands…

Hope I can surprise you soon with some real developments 🙂

Google AdSense income December 2017

2017 is over. My goal was to make 1000 EUR a month on Google AdSense by the end of 2017, didn’t make it. What did i make in December 2017?


I will come up with a more detailed post about 2017 and what my plans are for 2018. The fact that I didn’t make 1000 EUR a month is bothering me, but I know it is 100% my own fault.

2018 will be the year I am going to make 1000 EUR a month on adsense or affiliate marketing (combined). I just bought a new domain as well for 250 EUR, more about that later.

Happy 2018!!

Google AdSense income June 2017

I didn’t work on anything in June. This feels bad to say but its the reality. Damn. The 1000 EUR a month goal at the end of 2017 will be a hard one to crack like this.

Than what did you do? I am looking at charts, charts, charts in the cryptosphere… I know, it is useless, because I am holding a couple of coins which I am no planning to sell for another year. But ok, maybe another post on them later.

Plans for July?

Yes, I have plans to expand my travel site that is generating most of my income on AdSense. Plan is to put a job page on it with job offers. I noticed some interest on that and some people are asking me to link to their travel job offers page (I am not doing that ofcourse). I will have to dig into it and see if its useful to add.

But now, the Google AdSense income for June 2017;


Highest day – 26 June 2017 – €21,33
Lowest day – 11 June 2017 – €6,03

Not much of a difference compared to May.

Auto pilot

It looks like this site is running on auto pilot. I didn’t work on it the whole month and it brought in about the same as last month. Ofcourse the site needs work, if I am neglecting it another few months I am sure it will go down in rankings. But for now, this auto income of 300 EUR plus a month is a very nice addition to my normal income.