The month after. Travel season is over and the surge in traffic is slowly going down. September did a pretty stable job though and brought in:
€ 2.809,64

A good month. Happy with the results. I wanted to at least make 2000 euro in September and it did surpass it easily. Now if I could only stay above 2000 a month for the next 3 months in 2022, that would be insane. Last year the October brought in 2000, November 1400 and December also 1400. Not that bad now I check it.
Ok we go for 2000 euro a month for the rest of the year.
Link sales
I signed one of my top sites up for a link selling marketplace. I completely forgot about this until I got an email with a notification of a sale. I apparently sold a blog post for 600 euro to a casino website. After the site’s commission I got 480 euro for the blogpost. Not bad for 1 outgoing link. Although its a casino site it is good extra money.
Affiliate site that I bought for 10k
The site that I bought for 10.000 euro brought in a mere 150 euro in September with affiliate sales. It is a classic travel affiliate website. People can book holiday houses and I get a cut of that.
I think I paid too much for this site. It is nog bringing in the revenue the seller stated. It should bring in 400 to 500 a month but OK. I have to deal with it.
The SE rankings are quite good though. I has a lot of rankings on page 2 which need work. The website currently does not have a good working CMS behind it. It is an old custom CMS build over 12 years ago. I contacted a small wordpress company that I contracted to build a new wordpress website for it. There is a lot of work to be done and I agreed with them to finish it for 1600 euro. That would bring the total cost of the site at 11.600 euro, damn.
At the state the website is currently in, I cannot do anything. I can’t create good pages, can’t create a blog, don’t want to spend time on SEO already. If this new website is finished and actually working. I am going to work on it. I see this site can make 500 euro a month easily if done right. With 500 a month the investment is definitely worth it.
Lets first see what the wordpress company is going to deliver, ha!