With 11 hours left in 2019 it is a good time to see how things went in 2019 and decide what way I want to go in 2020. Adsense earnings in December 2019 are now at €2.153,68 and will probably not go over €2.200. A good number to end the year with. Last year december I made €2.134,14 so it is almost the same.
Earnings for 2019 in total on Google Adsense:
A great amount of Google Adsense income for the year. This is actually enough to live off. On average it is €3.000 a month which is a good salary in the Netherlands. In my biggest month I made a bit over €5.100 (read here). With 5 days in a row earning over €200,00 a day. A great month
For the upcoming year I will try to focus more on my big earners and make them even better. I feel there is still room for improvement and higher earnings. I need to focus more!
I am also starting a new site with a friend of mine. Very excited about that and it will be an international one.
For now I wish everyone a happy new year! Enjoy!