Google AdSense income report June 2020

50 euro

Another month went by and the travel niche is still in trouble. As airlines and travel companies are picking business up again the revenue in June was the lowest in the last 12 months. Total AdSense income for June 2020:


Still a very nice extra income for me, but compared what I used to earn before the crisis this is demotivating. It looks like traffic is going up a bit again and from the first of July more airlines and travel companies are picking up business again. I hope we had the bottom in June and can look forward in July. My expectation for July is to hit €1.000,00 on AdSense again.

Affiliate site

My suitcase affiliate site got a few sales again in the last 2 weeks of June bringing in €57,76. I hope next month this site will bring in €100,00 for the month.

Converter website

With a friend I am also working on a new converter website. Development was none for a couple of months due to the crisis but it looks like we are going to finish it soon and it will be up and running. Will keep you updated and might even reveal the website once it is live.


As the declining revenue is not really motivation I am going to continue build on my online empire. I am also working on a big airport website (international) that I might reveal later. Just keep it going and I am sure better times are ahead!

2 thoughts on “Google AdSense income report June 2020”

  1. Hey!
    Thanks for sharing with us your journey, I really appreciate it.
    I hope June will be the minima of the income 🙂
    What is your writing frequency (how many articles you write per month) and how you stay motivated and keep writing 😀

    1. Sorry for my late reply Benmiloud! June for now is the minima for the year hehe.

      My writing frequency is now like 2 times a week, not very much. Trying to do more upcoming month. I stay motivated by thinking about my goals. What I want to achieve. I will dedicate a post on that later 🙂 It is fun!

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