Google Adsense Income Report February 2019

February is over and the month flew by. Just 28 days of collecting revenue but revenue was up slightly compared with last month.

Google Adsense income for February 2019:


A bit up compared with last month but still not where I want it to be. At the moment I am working on new sites and bought some small ones again mainly for link building.

The travel affiliate site I started last month is coming along quite nice. The traffic is still very very low but the site is starting to look good. I will share the site later as it is focussed on affiliate income and not Adsense.

Modula WordPress Gallery

On the new travel site I was looking to get a good gallery plugin. After testing different gallery plugins I ended up with the Modula WordPress Gallery. It really works like a charm and just looks very smooth! They also run a free version without much limitations, which is great. If you are looking for a good gallery plugin, Modula might be the one for you 🙂

Google Adsense Income Report January 2019

Like I mentioned in a previous post; January is a slow month unfortunately. Traffic is down, clicks are down, CPC (cost per click) is down.

Google Adsense income for January 2019;


New affiliate travel site is live

Finally, another site is live. It is an affiliate travel site I started with a good friend of mine. I know him for over 10 years now and we did other projects together before. The site is listing good travel deals to Spain. We will earn between 2% – 8% on a sale. We got the site up and running on January 21. Had a few clicks on links, but no sale yet. Hopefully we get our first sale in February. Would be awesome!


I hold a file with ideas and plans what to execute. The list is really growing to big. I also eliminated a lot of domains that are just collecting dust. I want to create a few new sites in the travel niche, but also out of the travel niche. Not sure what to start with yet.

I hired a translator to translate text into Italian and Spanish. I want to set up a niche travel site in both languages, just to try some things out. Will keep you updated as I hope to get them live in February

Bought sites

I did buy a couple of sites in the end of 2018. I didn’t inform you guys yet how they are performing. In an upcoming post this month I will talk about it. I did pay a bit too much for the sites, but I will show everything in an upcoming post.

I am still looking to buy more quality sites that are bringing in revenue on Adsense or through affiliates. But it is hard to find them.

€5000,- a month

Last year my goal was to make at least €1000,- a month. For this year my goal will be to reach €5000,- a month and stay above it. I know this is an ambitious goal but online; everything is possible.

Google AdSense income report November 2018

The month is over. Not much happened really. I started an affiliate site which is not finished yet. I hope to finish it next week so I can start marketing for it.

Google AdSense income report November 2018;


Breakdown of my top 5 earners;

Site 1: €1.038,08
Site 2: €314,72
Site 3: €173,29
Site 4: €108,14
Site 5: €43,97

I hoped to reach at least €2.000,- but I didn’t make it. Traffic on my travel sites are down. Its off season. Understandable.
Good thing is my other smaller sites are getting more revenue. I also created a site more than 1 year ago which is picking up traffic lately. It is not yet in my top 5 earners, but will I am planning to work on that site. Could become a stable €100,- + earner I think.

Google AdSense income report October 2018

October flew by. I wanted to post about other things as well, but… ah well, maybe later. For now its time for another Google AdSense income report. Last month was good with €2.309,22 and I hoped to get at least €2.000,- this month. I am not disappointed with the income from last month.

Google AdSense income report October 2018;


Lowest day; €55,97
Highest day; €102,01

Site 1: €1.597,68
Site 2: €324,76
Site 3: €264,30
Site 4: €55,11
Site 5: €26,31

Buying websites

I talked about a website that made €1.200,- a year on AdSense. I bought it for €2.800. That might be a bit more than I wanted to pay for it, but the site looks good and I hope to get it higher in Google to get more traffic. I also bought two other sites that bring in around €600 a year together on AdSense. They cost me €1.000 together and seems like a good deal.

Starting new websites

This month I will also start a couple of new websites based on affiliate marketing. The travel niche is full of good affiliate offers for flights, hotels, total packages, renting cars etc. I was thinking about trying affiliate offers for a long time now and it is time to start it.

Google AdSense income report September 2018

August was the best month ever for me with €3.550 for the month. For september I knew I was not going to break this record. I am in the travel niche and July and August are the top months for that. September didn’t go bad though.

Google AdSense income report July 2018;


That is an average of €76 a day which I am still very happy with. €2.300 is serious money to make and the plan is to invest it all back into my online ventures. A breakdown of my 5 best performing websites in revenue (all with Google AdSense);

Site 1: €1.640,89
Site 2: €381,87
Site 3: €234,30
Site 4: €32,61
Site 5: €12,60

Buying websites

As of typing this I am the high bidder of a website generating €1.200 euro a year on AdSense which has a lot of upside potential. The linkprofile looks good with some strong links from some big news sites. If I win this auction I will work on it and hope to bring it to €2.000 a year. If I win the auction I will tell you more about it and about the plans I have with it.

I also bought a website earlier in September for €400. The site is not impressive and it is not earning any money at all. I bought it because it is an exact match domain and ranks on page 2 for its term. I believe I can bring it to page 1 and monetize it. Will keep you updated on how that goes and if its a good investment.

Traffic and subscribers

The traffic on this blog is not impressive, but on the other hand, I am not promoting it. had 133 visitors in September and the subscribers grew with 1 to a total of 4! Hi there 😀 and thanks for subscribing.

I promised to do more posts besides the income reports. I will promise you I will start with that this month!

Google AdSense income report August 2018

Last month I broke my record for highest earning Google AdSense month. Well, this month was even greater! Another month, another record!

Google AdSense income report July 2018;


This is really beyond my expectations. An average of €114,70 a day! The thing is; the sites are in the travel nice and this is travel season. August is the last real month of summer here so I expect the record breaking to be over. My goal for next month is to make at least €2.000,-. That would be awesome already since my initial goal was €1.000 a month. The €1.000 a month goal was only met 3 months ago.

Making money online can go fast. I had the idea I was stuck at €500,- a month but this summer was really good. Last month I started to break down revenue from my best 5 sites. I will continue doing this so here we go:

  • Site 1: €2.889,76
  • Site 2: €389,74
  • Site 3: €218,63
  • Site 4: €44,73
  • Site 5: €17,73

As you can see my other sites are starting to pick up revenue as well, which is good. I also have other plans for new sites which I will execute very soon. I promised to post more about other things I do online and what I use for instance on my websites. I will do that starting from this month.


I don’t post regularly so if you want to get notified when I post, please subscribe to the right top of the sidebar. Fill in your email and confirm. That way you will get an email when I publish a new post! I got my first 2 confirmed subscribers this month. Welcome and thanks for subscribing 🙂

Google AdSense income report July 2018

Last month I broke my record & it was the first month over €1000. The plan was to at least make those €1000 again in July, but things went different. In fact, in the first 15 days of July I was already over €1000!

Google AdSense income report July 2018;


That’s right, more than double the income of June! I’m still stunned with this amount! Actually it is more than I net with my full time job. July was my top month last year with the first time over €500, but this really blows it away.


I am not setting any new goals yet. The time is right for my main site (travel niche) so it will slow down again in a few months. We will see what happens. I am working on more sites though, and some others are starting to pick up money too. A break down of my best 5 sites at the moment:

  • Site 1: €2,376,81
  • Site 2: €183,04
  • Site 3: €30,89
  • Site 4: €13,44
  • Site 5: €8,57

AdSense & Affiliate

This is all AdSense money that is coming in. As this is the travel niche I am planning to implement some affiliate links as well. I am not sure how this will work out but I need to try it. Without testing I never know if there is more money on the table. The main website I am working on has some top rankings for keywords, but a lot of keywords are still not in top 3. So there is still room to grow!

I also got some very good domains that need development. I bought them a while ago and they are also in the travel niche. The plan is to go straight to affiliate offers instead of AdSense. These are going to be focussed on selling hotels & flights.

More to come

I feel this is just the beginning. There is potential to at least break €5000 a month and this might just be my new goal! I am also planning to blog here next to my AdSense income reports. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions or feedback!

Google AdSense income report June 2018

For the last few months I keep breaking my Google AdSense income record. My initial goal was to make €1000 a month with Google AdSense and I can tell you; I FINALLY MADE IT!

Google AdSense income report June 2018;


Last month I had a record of €791,17 but this month blew it away. The goal of €1000 a month with Google AdSense has finally been completed. Now my task is to keep it above €1000 a month and make it grow!

What’s next?

I will put more work into this blog. I want to document what works and what’s not and how you can learn from it and also make money with Google AdSense. This jouney was started in January 2016 and I made €5 with AdSense in the first month. My initial goal was to make €100 a month and I did it in June 2016. After that I set a new goal to €1000 a month and 2 years later; here we are!

Hitting €1000 in June does not mean I will hit it in July as well. It is definitely not stable cashflow. That’s why I don’t put out a new goal yet. Also; I am trying some things with affiliate marketing as well. Saw some good things at competitor sites. If I can copy some of that and it works, it would be great.

More updates are on the way! I would love to hear your experiences with AdSense or make money online in general. Please do comment 🙂

PS; If you want to get notified when I publish a new post, please subscribe to my blog and enter your email at the sidebar (top).

Google AdSense income May 2018

Last month was the first time I got above €600 on Adsense but this month was even better. Yes, a new record! 😀 The Google Adsense income for May;


As you can see I got over 70 euro on the 30th of May, this was because of a special event taking place which got me around 150% extra visitors for that day. Without it I would still be over 700 euro. The goal of 1000 euro a month on Google Adsense is really coming close now. Just 210 euro shy for the month.

I am also buying up some small sites for SEO purposes. All in the travel niche. Got some plans for my own sites and to make some extra money with them. More about that later.

Google AdSense income April 2018

Last month I started working again on my travel websites. Put in some hours on the main site and decided to really push it in April. My personal goal was to publish at least one new post a day. The goal was not that hard and I published 30 new posts in April. Traffic went up, earnings went up. A new Google AdSense high! The month April brought in;


This looks really good. The goal of making €1000,- a month on AdSense doesn’t look that far away. The highest earning day was the last day of April, bringing in €33,58. If this becomes the standard for every day, the goal will be reached (30×33,58= 1000+).

Happy with the new record and going to work even harder in May! I’m also working on some new websites. Will keep you updated! 🙂