Google Adsense income report August 2020

Didn’t do much. Due to COVID-19 lot of European countries have new restrictions. Less planes are flying. End of the travel season, everyone getting back to work. The start of August was good, with days reaching €70,00 a few times. The end of August I am getting €30,00 days again…

Adsense income report August 2020


While it is more than last month, I guess the travel season is over. I hope I get €1000,00 a month from Adsense for the rest of the year. Next year I hope things are better, COVID-19 is gone and my sites will spike again.

The affiliate suitcase site did € 104,00 in August. Good enough 🙂

Google Adsense income report July 2020

Didn’t got much work done last month, but earnings are going up again. People are taking trips again and planes are flying more and more. This is good for my niche as it is almost all travel. I made a prediction for July making above €1.000,00 and I did 🙂

Adsense income report July 2020

Adsense income July 2020


Very pleased with this amount. Well above €1.000,00. Now next goal is to hit €2.000,00 + again. Things are looking good though.

The suitcase affiliate site made €122,00 in July, also a good amount and I hoped for €100,00. Lets see if this continues in August.

How did July work for you?

Google AdSense income report June 2020

50 euro

Another month went by and the travel niche is still in trouble. As airlines and travel companies are picking business up again the revenue in June was the lowest in the last 12 months. Total AdSense income for June 2020:


Still a very nice extra income for me, but compared what I used to earn before the crisis this is demotivating. It looks like traffic is going up a bit again and from the first of July more airlines and travel companies are picking up business again. I hope we had the bottom in June and can look forward in July. My expectation for July is to hit €1.000,00 on AdSense again.

Affiliate site

My suitcase affiliate site got a few sales again in the last 2 weeks of June bringing in €57,76. I hope next month this site will bring in €100,00 for the month.

Converter website

With a friend I am also working on a new converter website. Development was none for a couple of months due to the crisis but it looks like we are going to finish it soon and it will be up and running. Will keep you updated and might even reveal the website once it is live.


As the declining revenue is not really motivation I am going to continue build on my online empire. I am also working on a big airport website (international) that I might reveal later. Just keep it going and I am sure better times are ahead!

Google Adsense income report May 2020

Expectations were between €600,00 – €900,00 for the month May. I was pretty close and the total revenue for May 2020 was:


Really hope the corona crisis will be over soon and sites will start to earn more again. Last year in May the total revenue was over €4.100,00 !!! Damn what a difference. Hopefully these times will come back, would be more than great haha. Happy that I still got a fulltime job now though.

The suitcase affiliate site only made €22,00 in May. Before the corona crisis it made a top month in February with €250,00 in revenue.

Google AdSense income report April 2020

Like expected this was not a good month. The lowest in a long time. Adsense income for April 2020:

€ 1.116,62

My guess was anything between €1.000,00 and €1.500,00 for the month of April. The month May doesn’t look good either, even worse… my expectations for this month are between €600,00 – €900,00.

The coronacrisis is slowing down a bit tho, and we might see businesses open up again this month. Travel will not be one of them I guess, so my niche is still in big trouble… Will see how this plays out.

Meanwhile I did start a new site tho also in travel, more on that later. Bought a domain for it at €1.500,00 which is a perfect match.

The suitcase site did € 16,50 last month while in February before the coronacrisis it did €250,00. The rankings are still there tho so I hope it will come back later this year (or next year !?!?!).

Stay safe everyone!

Google AdSense income report March 2020

The AdSense income from March was not good, but not that bad either. Due to the coronavirus I expected it to be a lot worse. Adsense income for March 2020:


Around €500,00 less than last year same month, but still, not too bad. April will be worse I guess. Normally the season is starting for me in April with last year over €3.100,00 in revenue. I would be REALLY happy to see €2.000,00 in April, but I guess I will see something between €1.000,00 and €1.500,00.

The coronavirus is still growing here in The Netherlands and no signs yet of slowing down. I really hope this will end soon and everyone will be safe and healthy! Good luck to you all this month!

AdSense revenue dropping hard due to Coronavirus?


AdSense revenue dropping hard due to Coronavirus?

The world is in crisis due to the Coronavirus. Most of my sites are in dutch and in the travel branche. AdSense revenue is down big time compared with the same month last year. Last March I made well over €2.200,00 but this month I am not going to break €1.500,00.

Traffic and revenue is down. Travel agencies, airlines, airports, everyone is having a hard time at the moment. This might be the start of a new economical crisis. I hope this will be over soon and there will be a cure for Corona. It doesn’t really matter that revenue is down at the moment. I just hope this will be over soon and everyone will be healthy again.

Good luck to everyone. Stay healthy and safe!

Google Adsense income report January 2020

A few days too late with my report, sorry about that! I hit 50 email subscribers last month, welcome new readers 🙂 Interesting to see how many of you will click through from the newsletter (read: monthly income report). Normally 2-3 people are clicking. Will let you know in the next blog!

For now, monthly income for January 2020:


January is normally a slow month for me. Last year January brought in €1.566,95, so that’s better than last year.

The travel suitcases website brought in €147,00 last month in affiliate revenue. Clicks and traffic are a bit up and I hope to see €200,00 + months starting from april. I bought this site for €2050,00 and so far the site made back €667,51 in affiliate revenue.

How did your year start?? I would like to hear from you in the comments.

Plans for 2020

With 11 hours left in 2019 it is a good time to see how things went in 2019 and decide what way I want to go in 2020. Adsense earnings in December 2019 are now at €2.153,68 and will probably not go over €2.200. A good number to end the year with. Last year december I made €2.134,14 so it is almost the same.

Earnings for 2019 in total on Google Adsense:


A great amount of Google Adsense income for the year. This is actually enough to live off. On average it is €3.000 a month which is a good salary in the Netherlands. In my biggest month I made a bit over €5.100 (read here). With 5 days in a row earning over €200,00 a day. A great month 🙂


For the upcoming year I will try to focus more on my big earners and make them even better. I feel there is still room for improvement and higher earnings. I need to focus more!

I am also starting a new site with a friend of mine. Very excited about that and it will be an international one.

For now I wish everyone a happy new year! Enjoy!

Google Adsense income report October 2019

October went by fast. Traffic and earnings went downhill which I expected. Luckily I made over €2.000,00 in October which was my goal. Money made on Adsense in October:


Good amount, nothing to complain about. We are in November now, time is flying… Plans: Fix everything for next travel season.

Suitcase website

The website I bought in September did well in October. The site brought in €163,36 in affiliate revenue out of €2.076,32 in sales. There was a autumn holiday here in The Netherlands, so that might be the reason the sales were up.


No plans for upcoming month. I will try to fix some issues on my websites, nothing big. Also still looking out to buy new sites, if I buy something new I will post about it.